Wednesday morning.INSIDE THE COFFEESHOP at the Hotel Intercontinental Manila. Three people were gathered in one table near a corner. One was sipping a hot cappuccino. The two others were having a light breakfast.
“Say, Johnny, how’s your car?” asked one of the seated men while blowing the steam off his cup of cappuccino.
“Drives perfectly. No problems. You’re intending to buy a new Mercedes?” Johnny lifted the table napkin. He started wiping the corner of his mouth.
“I’m still thinking about it,” replied the man with the cappuccino as he raised a hand, gesturing the waiter to approach him. Afterwards, he stood up. “I’ll just get some salad.” He went to the buffet table.
“How can I broach the matter?” asked the man seated beside Johnny. He took off his eyeglasses and placed it on the table.
“Well, once he comes back, I’ll leave you two here. Then, you bring up the case. Tell him your offer. As simple as that.” Johnny was grinning.
“How long have you known him? Is he like a close friend of yours?” The man was now fiddling with his eyeglasses.
“Let’s say he’s a close acquaintance. I’ve known him for some time now. I assure you he delivers. But at the right price. You get the drift?” Johnny spoke in lowered tone.
“Hey, Johnny,” the man with a plate of salad said, “check out the gal there in the buffet table. I’m sure she’ll get your attention.” He had returned, giving Johnny a wink.
Johnny gave out a chuckle. “You still have the sharp, keen eye on women, Mon.” Johnny started to rise. “Well, I’ll check out the merchandise. I’ll be back in a minute.”
The man with eyeglasses was slightly grinning at what Johnny had said. “Sir,” he began slowly, “has Johnny told you about our case?”
“Ah, yes,” Mon drawled. He took another sip of his cappuccino. “A big case.”
“Yes, Sir. We really need to get this one.” The man with eyeglasses spoke with caution.
“How much is your offer?” Mon was jabbing the salad leaves with his fork.
The man with eyeglasses took a deep breath. “A million bucks, Sir.”
Johnny’s face was devoid of reaction. “Quite small, son.”
“Oh, Sir. How much would it be then, Sir?” The man with eyeglasses was folding his table napkin.
“I’ll let you know soon. Meantime, just proceed with the filing of your petition.” Mon was now almost done with his salad.
“You were right, Mon.” Johnny was nodding his head as he returned back to his seat. “One fine, voluptuous lady. Check this out,” Johnny was dangling a small piece of paper. “Her mobile number.”
Mon let out a guffaw. “You’re really my idol, Johnny.”
The man with eyeglasses stood up. “I’ll just go to the bathroom. Where is it?”
“It’s over there, Danny, straight ahead, then turn left,” Johnny said.
“You need a bigger amount, son.” Danny heard this just after he stood in front of the urinal. Turning his head to his left, Danny saw Mon standing just beside him, also about to take a pee. Nobody was inside except the two of them.
“How much would it be, Sir? So that I can relay the amount to my boss.” Danny has stepped near the sink, about to wash his hands.
Mon walked beside him, eyeing Danny in mirror. He slowly draped an arm around Danny’s shoulders, then raised his other hand, with three fingers extended. “Three.”
“Three million, Sir?” Danny’s face seemed confused.
“Thirty million.”
“Oh.” Danny suddenly felt like being hit by a sledgehammer.
Mon was already at the door. “Just tell Johnny if you’re OK with the price. Then we have a deal. OK, son?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Note: Read the complete story in the book "You Filibini?" Stories and Other Writings by Amador F. Brioso, Jr., published May 2010]