Blogging Is Powerful

From one end of the planet to another, blogging reaches out and creates a virtual marketplace of ideas, powerful ideas that may someday change the world we live in today...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


“I have long been here before anyone
Else came,” says Law. “No, no, you’re not the one,”
Counters Justice, adding, “I came first than
You, I being your spirit, I have gone

To your conception. Thus, I came even
Before you were born.” Equity laughs, then
Says, “Ha! Ha! You both make me laugh! Did I
Not tell you, Justice, that I, only I

Am the reason why you are here in this
World? There can hardly be any justice
Without me, Equity. You see, it is
I who gives equality. And so please,

Get that in your head.” “Now look who’s talking?”
Right interjects, “You can’t go on talking
About equality without knowing
Whether or not the thing you’ll be doing

Is right, correct?” Wrong suddenly butts in,
“Yeah. But Right, you ought to know I’m your kin,
Remember? You need to know what things are
Wrong before you get to know what things are

Right, correct?” “Boys, boys, are you arguing
Again?!” the lawyer asks. “Stop bickering!
And keep your mouths shut! We have work to do!”
Barks the lawyer. “My client might hear you.

He’ll be here any moment from now. So
All of you stop fooling around. Law, go
To your place. Justice, you stay behind Law.
Equity, beside Justice. Right, you . . . Oh!

The door bell is ringing. Quick! There’s someone
At the door. We must get all these things done.
You are all servants here! You follow what
I say! If I say you do that, do that.

You are all powerless to disobey
Me, get it? You just toe the line, O.K.?
The same old theatrics, the same old script:
Fleece the client, we’ll have money to keep!”